Mobile landline numbers
With Number People, your business can get a mobile landline number for any city or town in the UK. Many customers only shop locally, or don't want to call a mobile number, so with our virtual mobile landline phone numbers your business can have that local feel whist being able to answer the calls anywhere in the world!

Start Your FREE Trial Here

Use the number selector to find your free number

Unlimited call forwarding

Unlimited Call Forwarding for your new number for just £10 per month*

International call forwarding

Get a UK number which can be forwarded virtually anywhere in the world

Make outbound calls

Make outbound calls using your new number as your caller ID

How do mobile landline numbers work?

A mobile landline number or pocket landline numbers are where you can receive a new landline telephone number and route it to your mobile number. This means that businesses can have a fixed line number - but have the flexibility of answering the call whilst you’re out and about, ensuring that no important calls are missed.

Number people offer a wide range of business phone numbers for the UK, so you can have a number for any UK area code - which is vital for any small business as customers prefer to call landline numbers which are local as it increases credibility.

A mobile landline number is also a great way of expanding your business into new areas, without the cost and risk of taking on new premises and staff, just order a new number for that STD area code and forward it directly to your mobile.

You can even make outbound calls using your new Number People number as your outbound caller ID. This is available through our VoIP/SIP extensions, which also allow you to receive calls for free. You can find out more about this outbound calling service here.

Mobile landline phone number costsCost
Mobile landline number upfront cost£0.00
Mobile landline number monthly fee£0.00
Mobile landline number activation fee£0.00
Unlimited bundle for 01,02,03 & 0843 number£10 per month
Unlimited bundle for 0800 number£20 per month
Pay as you go forward to UK landlines£0.015 (1.5p)
Pay as you go forward to UK mobiles£0.07 (7p)
Minimum call charge£0.01 (1p)
Calls rounded up to the nearest penny£0.01 (1p)
Contract duration0 months
Customer services/support (UK based)24/7/365

last updated 6-5-16 at 13:00 by Alan

  • Answer more calls, you can take landline calls on your mobile when you’re out of the office
  • Go UNLIMITED from just £10 per month - covers all of your forwarded calls to standard UK landlines or standard UK mobiles
  • Calls can be forwarded anywhere - including outside of the UK
  • Add VoIP/SIP users @ £1 per month - receive calls free and make low cost outbound calls
  • VoIP/SIP users can call out displaying the new number as the outbound caller ID (CLI)
  • FREE Call Whisper Service - Activate Call Whisper and a message will be played to you (not the caller) before the call is connected, this allows you to recognise that the call is from your Number People number.
  • Presenting a relevant local area number in your adverts are likely to get more calls.
  • Choose to route your pocket landline number to one or several mobile numbers
  • Advertise a local area geographic number and get connected with your target market.
  • Instantly expand your business with local numbers in multiple towns & cities
  • A landline number which will always be yours - not tied to a physical location
  • Local numbers for every UK town and city
  • 0843 National or 0800 freephone numbers also available
  • Virtual numbers, meaning no extra phones, lines or equipment are needed to use our numbers
  • Instant activation & no upfront cost
  • No contracts, No Hassle, No card details required
Talk Plans

When you activate your free account you will automatically be on the STANDARD plan. To change talk plan simply purchase a bundle via the online portal.
Talk plan bundles last for 30 days with no contract or minimum period.

Speedy set-up

With no hassle or fuss you can quickly activate a telephone number of your choice with no upfront payment

Low call rates

Divert to landlines for 1½ppm. Mobiles for just 7ppm. 0800 numbers cost an additional 7½ppm.

Pre pay

Top up as and when you need to, or opt for your balance to be topped up automatically - it's up to you!

No contract

No contract ties, commitments or initial payment required

Mobile portal

Make instant changes, view balance, top up and add more numbers via our mobile portal

Free trial

No initial payment required - test your number for free before you need to top up