Bawtry 01302 Ghost Phone Numbers

Book a Bawtry 01302 Ghost Phone Number: Look like a local Bawtry business when you advertise.

Start Your FREE Trial Here

Use the number selector to find your free number

Unlimited call forwarding

International call forwarding

Make outbound calls

Our simple to use service is FREE to activate and offers you a FREE trial. This service provides a local telephone number that forwards calls to your phone wherever you are.

This means that you can have a landline phone number that forwards UNLIMITED calls to your mobile or just to your landline, or group of both for a fixed monthly fee.

Our Call Whisper service plays you an announcement before accepting the call, so you always know whether a call has arrived via your Numberpeople Ghost Phone Number or not.

Using our free app you can even call out and display your landline number as your outbound caller ID.

For more information on answering calls on your mobile please visit here.

Starting a new business? Need more numbers for your business?

With Numberpeople you can get a NO CONTRACT Ghost Phone Number that includes outbound VoIP calling as well as UNLIMITED inbound call forwarding to your landlines or mobile for a low fixed monthly charge. This means that you can make and receive calls on your new Ghost Phone Number using only your mobile phone.

Use our online portal to self manage your call forwarding as well as checking live call stats, and more.

Fixed monthly cost

Try it today FREE

When you verify your account we automatically activate a FREE trial and add test credit so that you can test our services FREE and with no obligation.

This means that you can test things like our call forwarding and outbound VoIP calling to make sure that you are happy with everything before you go ahead and use the service properly.

Instant FREE setup

Setup of your new Ghost Phone Number is FREE and instant with Numberpeople.

We don’t need you to fill out endless forms and contracts, or take card details or pre payment in order to be able to activate a Ghost Phone Number, it’s all done instantly online.

Our rolling 30 day contract term means that you are not tied into a long contract and don’t have any long commitments when activating a Numberpeople Ghost Phone Number.

Simply use the service for as long as you need it

  • No initial or ongoing cost for our free local telephone numbers
  • Top up as and when you need to - no monthly charges
  • No contracts or commitments
  • Instant number activation
  • Create a presence in any UK town or city
  • Target customers who only shop locally
  • Create a community feel to your business
  • Create a better service to customers who don't like calling mobiles
  • Use local numbers to advertise in the Yellow Pages, Thomson Directories, local newspapers & radio and other 'local' media
  • Create call stats showing you how many calls you’re receiving and from where in the UK
  • Ensure all calls are instantly answered by routing your geo to the appropriate landline or mobile
  • Keep your 01/02 number for life (even if you relocate)
  • Built-in disaster recovery – re-route your calls even if your landlines go down
Talk Plans

When you activate your free account you will automatically be on the STANDARD plan. To change talk plan simply purchase a bundle via the online portal.
Talk plan bundles last for 30 days with no contract or minimum period.

Speedy set-up

Low call rates

Pre pay

No contract

Mobile portal

Free trial

Go unlimited for a fixed monthly cost.

Our unlimited call forwarding plan means that you don’t have the hassle of regularly topping up or running out of call credit.

Unlimited call forwarding costs just £10.00 per month and includes UNLiMITED calls to UK mobile and UK landline destinations.

To find out more about the unlimited call forwarding bundle please visit this page.

VoIP calling

Make outbound VoIP calls using your Bawtry Ghost Phone Number.

Making outbound VoIP calls is simple using our free app. Outbound calls will display the 01302 Ghost Phone Number as your outbound caller ID, so there is no need to hide your number or show a mobile number when calling customers.

To find out more about making outbound VoIP calling please visit our page here.

Easily know if it’s a business or personal call

Answer business calls on your mobile with confidence. Incoming calls to your 01302 Ghost Phone Number will alert you that it’s a business call with our call whisper service.

Call whisper is an announcement that only you hear when someone calls your 01302 Ghost Phone Number, allowing you to confidentially answer the call knowing that it is a business call to your mobile phone.

To find out more about call whisper please visit our page all about it.

Distribute inbound calls

Our portal allows you to add additional phone numbers to forward calls to, allowing incoming call distribution of your inbound calls across multiple users.

This means that calls can be sent to multiple people at the same time and the first person to pick up the call gets it.

What’s the difference between a Ghost Phone Number and a BT number?

01302 Bawtry Ghost Phone Numbers are telephone number ranges that are allocated by Ofcom in exactly the same manner as standard BT 01302 telephone numbers.

01302 Ghost Phone Numbers live in the cloud instead of pointing to a BT phone line and are therefore more portable and calls are easily forwarded to any other mobile or landline telephone numbers.

How does it work?

Calls made to the Bawtry 01302 Ghost Phone Number will be handled in the cloud, and immediately forwarded to the telephone numbers of your choice.

Why have an 01302 Bawtry Ghost Phone Number?

Businesses use Ghost Phone Numbers from Numberpeople to help build a business presence in Bawtry without having to open a physical office.

For example, a Website Designer based in Bawtry could have a Bawtry 01302 Ghost Phone Number but also set up phone numbers for other locations to encourage enquiries from that area, and thus expand their business beyond their immediate locality.

The business number that follows you.

Take your business phone number with you, with a Bawtry Ghost Phone Number from Numberpeople.

Calls made to your Ghost Phone Number are automatically forwarded to your mobile phone, so you can answer your calls wherever you are.

A business number on your mobile

Business people live on their mobiles, so why shouldn’t your business number work on your mobile as well?

With an 01302 Bawtry Ghost Phone Number from Numberpeople you can take your business calls with you wherever you are. Numberpeople Ghost Phone Numbers forward calls straight to your mobile phone, so you can now do business anywhere without the worry of missing your next business call.

How do I get a Bawtry 01302 Ghost Phone Number?

Getting a Bawtry 01302 Ghost Phone Number is simple and activation is instant and free.

  • Click on the list of available Bawtry 01302 Ghost Phone Numbers and either select an 01302 number or click on the forward arrow to see more 01302 numbers to choose from.
  • One you are happy with your Bawtry 01302 Ghost Phone Number then click on the "DONE" button.
  • Next, complete the boxes which include your destination phone number where you would like to forward your inbound calls to, your name and email address so that we can send you a link to verify your account and activate the Bawtry 01302 Ghost Phone Number.
  • To finish simply set a password that will be used when logging in to the online portal.

Online Web Portal

The online web portal is optimised to use on mobile phones and allows you to do the following

  • Update the destination call routing for your Bawtry 01302 Ghost Phone Number
  • Add more destination phone numbers for your 01302 Bawtry Ghost Phone Number
  • View call statistics for each of your direct dial DDI 01302 Bawtry phone numbers
  • View call records for each of your 01302 Bawtry Ghost Phone Numbers
  • Download call records as a CSV file for each of your 01302 Bawtry Ghost Phone Numbers
  • Add more 01302 Bawtry Ghost Phone Numbers
  • Add other regional, 0800 freephone or 0843 non geographic Ghost Phone Numbers
  • Top-up call forwarding credit for your 01302 Bawtry Ghost Phone Number
  • Set the auto Top-up facility to make sure you never run out of call forwarding credit
  • View and download invoices for your 01302 Bawtry Ghost Phone Number
  • View, edit and update your personal details
  • Cancel your 01302 Bawtry Ghost Phone Number
  • Switch the free call whisper service ON/OFF
  • Activate call bundles where available
  • Add outbound VoIP calling for each of your Ghost Phone Numbers


Numberpeople offer customer support via the following methods

  • Online support ticket system - click on the SUPPORT button on our website
  • Live Chat - click on the chat icon on our website or portal
  • If you cannot access either of these methods then call us on the phone number displayed in the CONTACT section of our website and one of our customer services advisors will be happy to help


Want to resell Bawtry 01302 Ghost Phone Numbers to your clients?

Reselling our numbers is simple. Simply book each client an account on our website with a Ghost Phone Number and then use our simple CDR download in order to re-bill the client.

We are always looking for resellers of our Ghost Phone Numbers, especially if you are in one of the following industries-

  • Telecoms resellers
  • IT companies
  • PC repair companies
  • Signwriters
  • Accountants
  • Printers

Our Ghost Phone Numbers are perfect for any business who advertises a mobile phone number.